Update Notes

This time of year we all find ourselves watching one clock or another. Fall is in the air, and winter soon to be on the ground. With that and so much more in mind, here are a few updates and notes.

Issue #54 “Family” closed on October 15th. It is now at our printers and it should mail out on December 1st, 2023. Guidelines for 55 (theme to be announced)  will go up at that time. The issue is good, really good, and we are so happy to share all the fantastic stories and art contained in the extra big end-of-year-holiday treat.

Clock watchers will note that this is also awards season. We just posted our Pushcat Prize nominees here and on social media as well. Soon we will post our line up for The Best Smalls and the Best Micros.

Didwe forget something? Send us a note ….

Submissions Closed for “Storm”

Submissions are now closed for issue #49, “Storm”. We  had a huge number of submissions and will have

everything sorted shortly. Thank you everyone, the theme seemed to resinate and your many submissions

were a delight to read. Submissions will reopen September 1st, and the new theme (it’s good…) will be

posted at that time. Thank you all again, and please contact us with any questions. We respond to all inquireries.

October 2021 Updates

Submissions for our “Moonlight” issue are closed as of 10/15/21.

Blink-Ink has exciting plans for 2022. We have the themes all set for the next two

issues, B47 in the spring of ’22, and B48 in the summer of ’22. Kitty Wang has her

own plans and will be busy for spring. January 1st, 2022 we are increasing our

subscription rates. The new prices are only a little higher, but the funds are needed

as expenses keep going up. Both our printer and postage are up for example.

Please consider subscribing, or getting someone a gift subscription. The old rate

applies till January 1st.

This year, as in pervious years, we will be nominating for The Pushcart Prize,

the Best Micro Fiction Awards, and the Best Small Fictions Award.

More information soon.